What Is A Faithful Estate Plan? By Mark Henry, JD
What is a faithful estate plan? Put simply, it is a plan that assures that all your final wishes will be carried out in a manner that is faithful to your familial obligations and to your Catholic beliefs as well. A faithful estate plan provides an inheritance that it neither excessive nor too meager and is designed to help your heirs become better persons. Your estate plan should also provide ongoing financial support of the charitable causes that were important to you during your lifetime. Your estate plan should be a testament that affirms not only how your estate will be distributed, but also what kind of a lasting legacy you will leave behind for your family and your Catholic community.
As Catholics, our estate plans can be an especially fulfilling way to affirm what is important to you; your family, your faith and your community. Common but sometimes overlooked ways that your estate plan can reflect your family and Catholic values may include:
Directions For Receiving Catholic Sacraments. Does your estate plan include directions to your family to make sure you receive the final sacraments? It is a good idea to provide your family with written directions on a Priest to call to administer sacraments like anointing of the sick and viaticum. You may also want to have a checklist that goes over your wishes concerning funeral arrangements like where to have the wake, details concerning the funeral mass and whether you want masses and prayers said for you after you pass on.
Catholic Legacy Will. Your estate plan can do more than just pass on your earthly possessions. Your estate plan can include a Catholic Legacy Will that consists of inspirational testimony which expresses to your family your deep and lasting love for Christ. You can poignantly communicate to your loved ones your wish that they live Christ-centered lives. As such, a Catholic Legacy Will can help you pass on to your family a lasting faith-based legacy that will shine a light on the path they will walk on during their journey through life.
Catholic Health Care Document. Your Estate Plan can include an Advance Medical Directive stating your wishes concerning health care and states treatment that you do want, such as life-sustaining care and relief from pain. Of course, your Advance Directive should also reflect the teaching of the Catholic Church on the sanctity of life. Pope John Paul II’s encyclical, Gospel of Life, is an excellent guide in making life decisions. In addition, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has resources on the teaching of the Church on these important end-of-life issues.
Remembering the Church In Your Estate Plan. We greatly appreciate faithful Catholics who hear the call to “give back” to the Catholic Church that spiritually enriched them during their lifetimes. With tax-wise estate planning you can reduce your taxes, achieve financial goals and also support the Catholic Community.
© Mark Henry JD